
Caching and polling are not natural friends. We still didn't find a very nice way to make it work, but we did find a way to make it work. In the future you might get (or create a PR!) something fancy like the possibility to specify a cache alias (making poll write into the cache of getAll).

getAll.operation = 'READ';
export function getAll(query) {
    return get('/downloads', query);

poll.invalidates = ['getAll'];
export function poll(query) {
    return get('/downloads', query);

Everytime you call poll, it will get the latest data. It won't cache it (since no operation is specified). But it will invalidate getAll, ensuring that a subsequent call to getAll won't show older data than you just retrieved by calling poll. When you are not polling, getAll will be cached as specified in your entity configuration.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""